
Showing posts from November, 2019


On Thursday, November 7th we participated in the Purdue GIS Day by submitting our poster to their poster contest. We didn't win the award but it was certainly interesting to see the different posters that other people submitted to the contest, although many of them were quite specialized in their field and were not very accommodating to the lay person. I know that Alan won one of the awards for his poster on the utilization of GIS in UAS mission planning which was pretty interesting. Other posters from our capstone class included an analysis of UAS sightings and registered UAS pilots, the use of 3D modeling software to supplement photogrammetric software when generating 3D models, and using the Loc8 software to assist in search and rescue operations. There were also presentations at GIS Day from several speakers. Alan did a quick talk about his GIS in mission planning topic. There was also a representative from Maxar Technologies which uses satellites to take pictures of the eart...